Dreamcatcher Ranch
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Dreamcatcher Ranch Principles

Principles of Our Business

The strategic format of Dreamcatcher Ranch is based on the following prominent business principles:

(1) The total and unrelenting pursuit of QUALITY

The competitive environments that exist today demand that data-based quality be built in to everything we do. This belief led us to the pursuit of cattle that are statistically the best we can locate and acquire. We may be considered fanatics by some when it comes to use of data like EPD’s, ultrasound information, etc.. Yet, it is this approach that directed us to the Angus breed and the use of Gardiner Angus, highly recognized for their data-driven procedures, as a model for our business. Like them, we aspire to become known for our scientific approach to cattle selection.




For more information on our operating philosophy, see our Total Quality article published in GAR Review

(2) CHANGE IS INEVITABLE and to succeed you should make it your “friend”

We immediately discovered as we entered the seed stock business that the pace of change in beef cattle genetics was accelerating and that this trend most certainly would continue and intensify. It is this reality that caused us to scrap our original plan to have the best herd of registered Angus cows we could accumulate and use AI to produce bulls that were the finest we could provide from that cow herd. The pace of change dictates that we go one step further and adapt a 95% embryo transplant format that allows us to use the current best genetics on both the dam and sire sides of the equation and to move rapidly toward even more superior genetics as they are identified. The net result is we market all but a very few of our heifers every year and that we sell our donors both bred and purchased when they are all young. Obviously, this approach adds production cost to our product, but we believe this cost is justified as we will always have “state of the art” genetics without holding multiple “mature cow dispersals.”



(3) UNDERSTANDING your CUSTOMERS’ NEEDS and exceeding them

In South Texas, Bos Indicus genetics is considered by many as essential for cattle to survive and thrive in our harsh environment. Many genetic providers have attempted to dispute this belief and advocate substituting English and Continental breeds for those cattle. At Dreamcatcher Ranch, however, we acknowledge the advantage of this breeding for this environment and are attempting to generate bulls that can, in a single generation, significantly enhance the prevalent genetics to more than offset the disadvantages that these cattle may possess. Hence, we are not only selecting genetics for their performance criteria but are heavily emphasizing carcass genetics that when used with “eared” cattle will result in superior calves that can achieve sufficient carcass quality to result in premiums for our customers. Fortunately, we have discovered that cattle possessing these traits are highly sought after in many environments.

IN SUMMARY, at Dreamcatcher Ranch we are using data-based quality selection to produce superior genetics that will help our customers become more profitable.